Pete’s Challenge

Pete embellished a large piece of cream muslin scrim with pieces of natural wool fibres, causing it to pucker and distort. This was cut up into smaller pieces and given to members to work on in any way they chose. These are the results:

Ronny’s felted and rust dyed piece with rusty inclusions.
Moya’s piece embellished onto a felt background, shiboried and richly decorated.
Pete’s mixed media piece

Mary’s coloured and stitched piece

Di’s piece inspired by the Elerie Mills exhibition in Ruthin. The pamphlet was used to weave the trees with added acrylic paint and stitch.
Jane’s stitched a decorated piece
Pauline’s felted and richly decorated piece

About Chimera Textiles

A group of twelve embroiderers who meet together every two weeks in North Wales.
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